
Showing posts from September, 2017


      Grateful for you Lord Blessed are you my God! For you hold the staff and rod Glory be your name! For your love always remains the same. I will honor you always, For you are with me all my days. With all my heart I will love you! For you quench my soul with your truth And protect and guard my mind From the lies, lies lies! Thank you for opening up my eyes! Dear lord, without you I would be blind. your peace surrounds me everywhere I go How grateful I am for you my Lord! Rosalinda Loy 


   My dear boy What are you running from? Come to me, my beloved son! Don’t live your life on the run, Instead, rest in my love! Repent and forget what you’ve done Resist the ways of this world And come to know my peace, love and joy. I have a plan for your life But you have to submit your life to mine And I will help you fight the devil’s lies. Give me your heart and spend time with me And in you, a change you will see. I see the beginning to the end And in me, you will always have a friend, I will help your heart begin to mend, Your pain will disappear like dust in the wind, My child, you will no longer desire sin Because you will rest under my wing. Your life is precious! and my word you will spread To people whom my word they have not heard or have not read. Rosalinda Loy 


Rapture Dream  As I was Dreaming!  I was standing outside with my family, Looking up at the sky,  starring at the marvelous lightning, When in an instant, up I was taken By what looked like lightning so amazing! I felt the presence of a mighty angel I was not afraid or felt any danger His face I could not see Only the touch of him, carrying me In front of me I saw lightning making a path through the sky Going so fast I couldn’t believe my eyes I looked around for my family But all I saw were thousands of people headed up to the galaxy Being carried by Angels, many so many! I for one can’t wait to begin this journey, And begin my life with the Lord for all eternity. Rosalinda Loy   


   Witchcraft Witchcraft is the devils plan She put a spell on you to continue holding your hand She casts a spell to cause our marriage to fail And tried to cage me in my own minds cell But what she doesn’t know, is that now I have God on my side And the Lord now protects my life But our marriage takes blows from her wicked knife Because she doesn’t’ want you to have a wife She rather me step aside To always control your life That way you will do all that she likes. God sees my life and hears my cries And he will avenge the devil’s lies I do not fear what a mere woman can do In fact, I forgive her and that’s the truth God has said he will deal with her evil ways And give me back what I lost all those days. Rosalinda Loy   

Holy Spirit with us

  Holy spirit with us God is with the brokenhearted, He hears our pleas when our hearts are discarded In our distress, the holy spirit prays When we don’t know what to say. With groaning he speaks to the Father in Heaven With words, we don’t understand. The holy spirit knows what needs to be said And our Father who loves us, always listens. In times of hurt and despair, The Holy spirit is always there, During lonely nights, he’s at our side. while battling sickness he prays for us to fight, When were lost and don’t know where to go, He speaks to our hearts what we need to know. Always pleading in our defense Comfort and peace, he requests. Our peace, our counselor The one who lives inside me and you. Step by step he guides our way, So that we can continue doing God will every day. Rosalinda Loy   

Ready for this fight

  Ready for this fight I am strong in the Lord And have the power of his might With his strength, I am ready for this fight The enemy is bent on destroying us, Therefore, be on guard, and in the Lord, we must trust. God provides the powerful armor we need For protection and victory! To fight spiritual battles unseen. Pray about everything and anything To conquer the enemy Rosalinda Loy   

My sign

  My Sign Last night I went outside and watched the stars I spoke with the Lord Looking up to the sky Then I asked him, Lord, There are rumors that you’re coming soon Is that really true? I told him to send me a shooting star If it was the truth. a few minutes passed And a star fell before my eyes Wow! It was a beautiful sign. Be ready, my friend because there’s not much time . Rosalinda Loy 

I fight on my knees

I fight on my knees  My battles with the enemy I fight on my knees Praying over my families For guidance and protection constantly. For the Lord has girded me with strength for battle With Jesus by my side, my enemies will scatter It’s my mind over this matter. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, God will be with me; he will stretch forth his hand against all my enemies, And his right hand will always protect me. With Jesus by my side I will push back my adversaries; In his name I will trample down those who rise up against me. My armor they will surely see as I fight this battle with my savior beside me. Greater is he that is in me, than he who is in the world Confident in who I am in Lord I shall fear no evil I will not let the enemy come in to steal For I know my fight is real and on my knees, my Lord hears all my pleas and he will always answer me. Rosalinda Loy 

Trust Jesus

  Trust Jesus One day at a time, everything will be just fine, worry no more. Trust Jesus from this day forth he will supply all your needs, he'll give you direction as he leads. Praise him everyday! Our Lord will not fail you, No Way! Rosalinda Loy 

I'm following, You're leading

  I'm following, You're leading Every hour, every minute, every second of every day Your presence will light my way. You’re with me in the early morning as we spend time together reading your story   At sunrise, I praise you for your glory. then you come with me to work, which is never boring. At noon, you continue to walk beside me It’s your presence that gives me such peace Because you’re making me into your masterpiece You’re molding me piece by piece. from glory to glory, you work your light into me. I’m following and you’re leading. During the day, I’ll sing you lovely songs And I speak to you softly when no one’s around Because it’s you, my Lord Jesus who makes me strong, You remind me how much you love me And fill me with confidence to face anything. my spirit confirms what I don’t want to hear that people will talk, gossip and stare I will pay no mind to the world out there. The

My Sweet Baby I never met

  My Sweet Baby I never met Jesus holds you my sweet baby, in the Heavens where you sleep quietly, safe from danger and harm cuddled in Jesus’ loving arms, I’m sorry for not being strong, taking your life was so so wrong, I listened to the devils lies, I thought it was easier to take your life. I had to choose between you and the love of my life, so, I chose love with the man by my side, I deeply regret my mistake a million times and now I’ll never hear your baby cries, like on nights when you need a bottle or times when you just want to cuddle. I wish I could go back in time and redo that moment that changed my mind, but the damage has already been done in an instant, you were gone, now my heart aches for you little one. I pray I get to see you one day maybe hold you for a while if that’s OK? I’ll ask for forgiveness for the mistake, I’ll always regret and the pain I caused you I’ll never