My Sweet Baby I never met

My Sweet Baby I never met

Jesus holds you my sweet baby,
in the Heavens where you sleep quietly,
safe from danger and harm
cuddled in Jesus’ loving arms,
I’m sorry for not being strong,
taking your life was so so wrong,
I listened to the devils lies,
I thought it was easier to take your life.
I had to choose between you and the love of my life,
so, I chose love with the man by my side,
I deeply regret my mistake a million times
and now I’ll never hear your baby cries,
like on nights when you need a bottle
or times when you just want to cuddle.
I wish I could go back in time
and redo that moment that changed my mind,
but the damage has already been done
in an instant, you were gone,
now my heart aches for you little one.
I pray I get to see you one day
maybe hold you for a while if that’s OK?
I’ll ask for forgiveness
for the mistake, I’ll always regret
and the pain I caused you I’ll never forget.
I hope to see you in Heaven someday,
My sweet, sweet baby I never met.

Rosalinda Loy


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