Holy Spirit with us


Holy spirit with us

God is with the brokenhearted,
He hears our pleas when our hearts are discarded
In our distress, the holy spirit prays
When we don’t know what to say.
With groaning he speaks to the Father in Heaven
With words, we don’t understand.
The holy spirit knows what needs to be said
And our Father who loves us, always listens.
In times of hurt and despair,
The Holy spirit is always there,
During lonely nights, he’s at our side.
while battling sickness he prays for us to fight,
When were lost and don’t know where to go,
He speaks to our hearts what we need to know.
Always pleading in our defense
Comfort and peace, he requests.
Our peace, our counselor
The one who lives inside me and you.
Step by step he guides our way,
So that we can continue doing God will every day.

Rosalinda Loy


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