
Showing posts from August, 2017

I Need you

I need you I wrestle with thoughts in my mind That confuse me most of the time, I’m trying to do what is right But the enemy is always at my side So, I continue choosing the wrong road Is it because I’m bored? I need your help dear Lord To help me choose, your open door which leads to salvation instead of this world. Can it be, these evil spirits that surround me? That make me feel weary when I only want to feel happy,   every day I’m off doing what is wrong I do to myself so much harm When my intentions are to do what is right I’m such a disgrace in your sight! Please, open my eyes to see All that the enemy is doing to me Change me, change me I need you, need you Jesus, only you can help me Cleanse me, wash me clean Help me to forget the person I’ve been save me from these spirits wanting to step in and lead me to safety under your wings. Rosalinda Loy   

Beauty all around

  Beauty all around What a beautiful thing to look up during the day and see the clouds with the sky so blue Thank you Jesus for that amazing view. What a glorious sight to see at night the twinkling stars shining way up high, or the shooting stars you send down at just the right time, so big and bright. Thank you, Jesus for that breath-taking sight. I see the birds singing as they sit on the trees, Or as they soar in the air with such ease. I can hear the animals and creatures you created Making all types of sounds, Acknowledging you, with noise from all around. The flowers bloom mostly in the spring with colors so bold, that to only you, they sing. The winds dance across the shy blowing and howling dancing with whatever is close by While the trees swaying, dance with the winds. How beautiful you make all things. The waters sing when it runs down streams, Crashing waves roar in the deep blue seas ...

You were always there

You were always there Before I knew you, I was lost and felt so alone, I was chasing my own dreams and my desires were my only throne. Yet you were always there, how could I have known? Chaos at my left, confusion at my right battles I fought day and night, demons around me always ready to pick a fight. Yet you were always there at my side. My marriage was falling apart and crumbling, my spirit was frail and suffering, my heart was broken in many pieces and my body keeps stumbling for some odd reason. Yet you were always there, whispering but I couldn't listen.  you saw me at my worst, you saw me at my best, and you loved me with no regrets, bruised and broken so many times I wanted to end my life from the kitchen floor where tears filled my eyes help me dear Lord! was all I could speak in my mind. yet you were always there, by my side. as I reached out for you, you were reaching for me too, little by little you changed me and I'm no l...

God's Garden Path in the woods

God's Garden Path in the Woods This garden path I made for Father God I made it out of love, From dark scary woods, to a cute peaceful path. Shaded by plenty of trees, where I can sit and feel love from God’s breath in a breeze, I get a warm feeling when I feel the sun shine on my face, This garden path, I call this our special place. It has benches where I can sit and talk with Jesus Or just to meditate on God's word, in any season. It’s also a place where I can forget my painful past, and just daydream about life with Jesus who gives me rest. Made with blood, sweat and tears I finished it in a couple of years, With help from my little ones We were finally done. I dedicate it to my Savior and Lord And I know he is proud of all my efforts. I asked God to keep evil spirits out    and at times, I can feel the presence of Angels on guard God’s garden path in the woods, My sanctu...

With Jesus at my side

With Jesus at my side With Jesus on our side, we are extremely blessed, we have been set free from sin and death, Our might King will give us rest, Jesus, Son of God is truly the best! May his holy spirit dwell in our temple, Accepting Jesus Christ as our savior, it was that simple. There's no condemnation, for those who are in Christ, he begins his work from the inside, and continues working day and night, we walk by faith not by sight, because he has a plan for our lives and will be our guide, and we believe Jesus will never, ever leave our side. Rosalinda Loy 

Talk with me a while

Talk with me a while The world seems to stand still when there's pain, the tears pouring out of my eyes feel like drops of rain rolling down my face, Persecution is the enemy's evil game, he's always ready to steel your joy anytime, any day. I call out to God for his mercy and saving grace, then he calls me out of darkness and I see his beautiful face,  the Lord shows up at just the right time and place, Oh, what a beautiful sight! Lead me to safety, talk with me a while, reassure this heart of mine  that in you I have all your strength, surround me with your mighty armor to fight the fight in your defense, teach me when and what to say, to win peoples hearts that don't know your way. Rosalinda Loy 

You're Changing me

You're changing me I will be still and know that you are God, changing me, molding me and transforming me. from glory to glory, you're writing my story pouring your life into me, showering me with your love abundantly I'm rooted & grounded in strength and love continually. My faith is in you because you love me unconditionally. Rosalinda Loy 

How can you still love me so?

How can you still love me so? How many times have I asked for your forgiveness, my Lord? for all the lies I've told, hurting you with words I spoke, losing my patience with these precious children that are yours, for arguing with my husband, instead of letting things go, the times I treated him badly, being distant and cold, How can you still love me so? I've criticized and made fun of people for the way they looked, gossiping and spreading rumors, no matter who got hurt, taking my anger out on my family because I was hurt first, I was disrespectful to your people, Man I was the worst, worshiping  idols was what you disliked the most, How can you still love me so? Putting people and things before you was wrong I now know, taking drugs to escape a life to hard to handle on my own, for not taking care of my body which holds my spirit and soul, taking for granted each special day you made to give us hope, How can yo still love me so? I've latc...

To Love myself again

To Love myself again Where do I begin, to love myself again? To see me as you see me, how do I love myself for who I am? You say that you're our Shepard and we are your sheep, How can I love myself when this pain is too deep? Help me understand, how my life is part of your plan and that I'm unique in your eyes and you're my biggest fan. The pain I've felt for so long You say will only make me grow strong, How, why? it just feels so wrong. At times, these painful memories take me back to my dreadful painful past, My heart pounds and mind races way to fast Lift me up and give me your peace and rest. I need you Jesus, I must confess. I can't feel, I just feel numb assure me of your plan and who I can become. Show me love and compassion for my weary soul. Help me find Peace and a future with hope Because I just want to feel complete and whole. You tell me, I'm beautiful when I feel miserable and that your love for me is unconditional. Mend my broken heart and hurtin...

My Fight

My Fight I struggle and wrestle constantly with myself My body does what it wants, as my soul cries out for help Part of me want to be numb and the other to be free. A pill I take to escape whatever life throws at me. I fight alone this war with no end that I can see Lord, can't you see that I'm fragile and crumbling? I pray and pray, Jesus take this away from me, Please! Help me be a good person and learn my lessons rapidly. Guess I'm on my own, fighting myself till I go crazy, A spiritual warfare I fight alone constantly. Part of me loves God, the other wants to live in a fantasy, Why can't God be enough and mean everything to me? Instead I choose to take a pill so I can feel numb to everything, I know there's consequences for things I do but I'm not thinking and I continue doing these evil things, no matter the ending. even though I know the harm God can do to punish me I struggle and wrestle constantly with the evil inside me...

My Pain

My Pain The pain I've gone through, the hurt I feel at times has left a hole in my heart and I'm broken inside, bruises on my skin, wounds on my flesh, in tears I cry, knocked down with cruel words that has damaged my life, I'm laughed at, criticized, pushed aside and I fall to pieces every time my husband and I have a fight. I don't know maybe I'm to blame for all these terrible times but I do know for sure that I feel numb and empty inside and I'm certain there's something missing in my life. I've been hurt! Cant you see these tears I often cry? lost in my own mess, drowning as the waters rise, how do I begin again? and can you really open up my eyes? down on my knees, begging lord, help me please! but evil whispers, saying "you're unworthy to be at his side" this pain has left me deep scars time after time a prisoner to this darkness, lost in my mind, without a guide. Will you lead me to safety? and renew...

Live for today

Live for today Why do you dream of the future? Things you will buy, things you will do, plans you're wanting to come true. You spend your days working for tomorrow not noticing the world with its pain and sorrow. you save every penny you earn thinking one day on something nice,  your savings you'll burn. the future is not guaranteed, Jesus is the only key, with eternal life he offers you and me. Put Jesus first in everything you do, open your eyes to the plans God has for you, he might even Bless you with your dreams too. Live for today! Give the Lord praise everyday. Do not worry about tomorrow  f or tomorrow will care for itself,  today is enough to take care of yourself. Rosalinda Loy 


  The father in this land you once had, disappointed you and made you sad He rejected you, making you mad? He wasn’t there when you needed a dad! People will mistreat you and leave you, Don’t look for comfort in a person Look for comfort in God’s son Jesus. Your dad called you names of every kind Made you feel worthless many times,  sometimes, you even wanted to cry, But instead you held it all inside. The bond you never had with your dad Made you angry and very mad. He broke your spirit and you became angry And that left you feeling very cranky Give your hurt and pain to Jesus To father God he will introduce us He will give you all his love And restore your heart from above.   Rosalinda Loy 


Don't give up  Don't worry my child, I am at your side, I hold you when you cry and hear your every sigh, I see what you’re going through, I read your mind, I go before you, I walk at your side and I’m behind   I’m with you always, all the time. Don’t give up precious child. Although you were once wild You now have a part of me And now you bloom beautifully. Keep pressing on, doing no wrong, I will give you strength and make you strong. Do these things for me: Give when there’s a need Care for the sick and weak And love people as you love me.   I’ve told you before I’m so proud of you And I love you very much too! “For I know the plans I have for you are good plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Rosalinda Loy   

The Struggle is real

The Struggle is real The struggle in my flesh is real,  Joy in my heart the devil steals I lose sight of God and once again in a mess I'm caught. "I do not understand what I do, For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do". Paul reminds us that he needed a savior too. This flesh living in me is fighting my spirit constantly, words that come out of my mouth, too late! shaking my head, that moment can't be replaced. Ashamed so ashamed of my sinful ways, every time temptation invades my space. why didn't I say No! to the things and ways of this world now things are out of control, once more. I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot do it alone you see. there's sin living in me and only Christ Jesus can set me free. When Jesus laid down his life on the cross, he showed the devil who's the real boss! now there's no condemnation for those who are in Jesus! I thank God for his son, Our Savior who's...

The Lord's vengeance

The Lord's vengeance The Lord says, "come near all you nations and hear" All evil shall be dissolved,    but for the ones in Christ,  in an instant things will be resolved. The sky will be rolled up like a scroll, and fear will be all around the world. For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance, Repent and plead for forgiveness. All their host shall fall down every knee will hit the ground, proclaiming Jesus is Lord of this world . Rosalinda Loy