
Showing posts from July, 2017

You are my lifeline

You are my lifeline When my life feels like it's crumbling I feel my hands and knees start trembling my heart races, while my body is stumbling. feeling hurt and sad, I'm overcome with anxiety. I call on my savior to comfort me and his peace surrounds me, in spite of everything, instantly I'm able to move with chaos in front of me. Quench me with your holy spirit, Drench me with your amazing love, Cover me with your holy blood. You are my life line, you give me peace of mind Thank you that you love me and care! My savior you are my comfort and I know that you are always there. Rosalinda Loy 

That Day!

That Day! Father, I can hardly wait for that day, when I will finally see your beautiful face. That day when you will walk next to me and you'll show me all the things I longed to see, like the sea so deep, large and blue maybe we can fly in the sky to see all the earth just me and you. Like the twinkling stars you made to shine at night or the universe you created with it's beautiful lights, the mountains you formed high, Oh so high and the heaven's I imagine are an amazing sight. That day when I'm in your glorious presence as I kneel before you and see your brilliant radiance. Consumed with your love, you're all I can think of, yet your love will always be more than enough. That day when I'll sing and give you my praise, Glory be to God! My spirit will sing to you always. Rewards you give to your faithful ones, mansions you have prepared for all your loves. To be in a crowd praising your name, I can only imagine, Feeling

Don't be like the World

Don't be like the World Like the world I don't want to be, a life the devil wants me to live and tries to tempt me into sin.   Like the world I sometimes act, sarcastic or with malicious attacks when people start talking smack.   Ways of this world is how I grew up, filled with lies, fights and lust, and in my heart you'd find deception and selfish love, until the day came when I had enough. Jesus was always there and in me he never gave up.   I turn to Jesus everyday, praying teach me your loving ways, but I find it's a constant struggle because my mouth or actions get me into trouble.   I desire not to be like the world, so now the Holy Spirit lives in this girl and everyday I'm trying to learn how not to be like this awful world. Rosalinda Loy   

A Purpose

A Purpose My God almighty who knows me inside and out, chose me from the very start, sealed me with his spirit in my heart and gave me a purpose with an important part, he understands every thought in my heart and has compassion if I have little doubt. My God will not fail me or forsake me EVER, with Jesus, my life is 100 times better. Rosalinda Loy 

El Roi

El Roi El Roi-The God who sees me, he sees my pain and misery including the days I'm weary. My God will give me victory! with the people who have mistreated me. I take comfort knowing that I'm loved and he's watching me from heaven above. El Roi my God sees all of me; The things in my heart, the tears I've cried, the pain I hold inside and all the things I've said in my mind. My God is my refuge and strength My enemies he will fight against he will bring them to their knees for their offense. Pain I do not want for their lives, I'm only asking my God to open up their eyes and expose them to his glorious and merciful light so that they can see the grace he's given me, but until that day his perfect timing I hope to see, waiting patiently I'll be praising him for eternity. Rosalinda Loy 


Why Why did my husband love her more than I? he told me he loved me, but that was a lie, his words were cruel and cold, many times left me crying on the floor. As I watched him walk out the door,  I turned to Christ once more. Broken and crushed in tears I cry muttering why, why, why! I hear in my spirit " I'm at your side". I know the lord hold every tear I cry and knows everything happening in my life, So I'll keep pressing on day and night No matter how difficult my life gets at times. Rosalinda Loy 


When When insecurities face you in the mirror but you just wanna see yourself a little clearer or when you lack confidence for an interview you're lost without a clue because all you feel is confused when you're worried about the future because you feel like such a loser. when you're tired of struggling with your illness or your kids will not take you serious. When your heart is broken  over cruel words that were spoken, when your soul feels shattered because your spouse said "you never mattered" When you find yourself in the edge and you just want to jump off the ledge. Go to the lord where you'll find rest, the lord hears your prayers and cries he wants to answer all your whys. All who are weary or weak God will give you comfort and heal the sick. Come to Jesus all who seek and you will find all you will ever need. Rosalinda Loy 

Left Behind

Left behind There will come a day when Jesus will take his chosen away, from the clouds he will gather all his people and leave behind the ones who never knew him. You'll be left here to decide who is your leader, so if you want to be saved, call on God the creator and accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your only savior. Do not be shaken by fear or terror because there will be chaos, destruction and horror.  But take comfort knowing Jesus wins this battle and remember things of this earth do not matter. Your life begins with Jesus for all eternity, he will give you everything you'll ever need. Families who have passed, in heaven you will see Illnesses, chains and sins are removed immediately. Stay strong in Jesus, read the word my friend because this life on earth is not the end. Rosalinda Loy