Left Behind

Left behind

There will come a day
when Jesus will take his chosen away,
from the clouds he will gather all his people
and leave behind the ones who never knew him.
You'll be left here to decide who is your leader,
so if you want to be saved, call on God the creator
and accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your only savior.
Do not be shaken by fear or terror
because there will be chaos, destruction and horror. 
But take comfort knowing Jesus wins this battle
and remember things of this earth do not matter.
Your life begins with Jesus for all eternity,
he will give you everything you'll ever need.
Families who have passed, in heaven you will see
Illnesses, chains and sins are removed immediately.
Stay strong in Jesus, read the word my friend
because this life on earth is not the end.
Rosalinda Loy


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