GOD has a plan Should I stay or should I go? Jesus is the only one who knows I don’t know what he wants me to do I only know that I’m so tired of feeling used God has a plan! That I understand Lead the way, I’ll continue to pray Because it’s God’s will, not my ways. I pray for wisdom to do what is right And a vision of the future for my blind eyes My mind is clouded, I can’t think straight And only God knows my fate. I’m waiting upon the Lord to guide my way Stopping to listen to what my spirit has to say Should I leave everything behind? And press forward into a new life I’m leaving it to God, it’s in his time. I pray I don’t make a mistake or mess things up leaving everything behind as I go in a rush I whisper to Jesus, just say the word, and I’ll leave with my daughters Or tell me to stay and I’ll make amends with their father Either way, I’m trusting you’ll bring back my laughter Because I know my happiness to you is all that really mat...