
Showing posts from October, 2017


His Love for me No one will ever love me more than Jesus He proved his love, when he gave his life to be crucified on the cross  my Lord has risen my sins forgiven new life for sinners he has given Jesus, my savior and King, I am your everything his love for me is unconditional he loved me, even when I was a criminal, he stood by me when I was miserable and in me he performed a miracle. He engraved my name on the palm of His hand. he fills me with his love when I can't take a stand Jesus loves me with an everlasting love this I know because he shed his blood He loves me so much that He knows how many hairs are on my head and bottle's up all the tears I've shed his bride I will always be true love he has found in me. Rosalinda Loy


Love like Jesus loves Care for people like he does give when people do not have enough, and pay no attention to people's evil tongue give a smile instead and don't run say nothing when you want to lash out and pray without a doubt. People are confused and lost most don't know the cross point the way to Jesus his spirit will guide and lead us Like Jesus, be a good example be patient and humble so that people will wonder of the love and peace you're under then spread the word that only Jesus quenches your hunger. Rosalinda Loy


The Lord Sets me Free  Depression is more than real, At times, I don’t want to feel, Sadness consumes me, So, I call on the Lord to set me free For I know this dark cloud is not my destiny. I fight, with Jesus by my side Every time the enemy tries to get inside, I’ll shake it off And hold tight to my cross. When the enemy invades my space, I tell him “Jesus has already won this race” Then I surrender to Jesus And give him thanks for his mercy & grace When those feelings come again, I will not be afraid! The Lord is my shelter and strength When I seek him during my pain Peace I feel in an instant. Rosalinda Loy


  The Lord protects me Father God, you said No weapon formed against me, shall prosper. And every tongue which rises up against me In judgement, you shall condemn. Every tongue will confess and every knee will bend For you are Lord of Lords and God of all men Faithful and true you guard my heart, protect my mind and lead my life, therefore, I will fear no evil with you by my side. You deliver me from every evil work, all the time So, I give you honor and praise all the days of my life. Lord, you know my future and past history Because you write my story and you deserve all the glory! You always save me from those who persecute me Making a safe path to escape my enemies. My life is in your hands, I believe only you are good and I trust in your plans. My sweet, Jesus I’m your biggest fan! Rosalinda Loy   


  From the wrong side of the tracks From the wrong side of the tracks Jesus called my name, that’s a fact! He showed me how I was living, was wrong! Parties, drugs, & fights, I was done! Little by little he molded me Into the woman he wanted me to be Stories of my life people would see But I’m not to care what they think of me He speaks to my heart about what to write To encourage people to continue to fight There will be heartache in this world but the prize comes when we enter through Heaven's door. Rosalinda Loy 


To my husband  Why do you hate everything I do? Is it because I love Jesus more than you Can it be because you can’t control me anymore And I don’t worship you like before I’m still your wife, yes I know, But you are no longer on the thrown. Can it be that with you, I no longer agree? And that makes you very angry, We now see things differently, You live for the future and material things I live for Christ and look forward to life in eternity, I no longer desire things of this world I’m sorry but I’m no longer that crazy girl. Every word that comes from you mouth Is negative, rude with a shout!   Why do you like to gossip? I don’t want to hear it, Stop just stop. It’s annoying! Can’t you see As I roll my eyes when you leave. You’re angry about little things, You make us feel like were walking on pins Tip toeing around your moods We can’t get along now because I no longer put up with your abuse Rosalinda Loy