The Lord protects me

Father God, you said
No weapon formed against me, shall prosper.
And every tongue which rises up against me
In judgement, you shall condemn.
Every tongue will confess and every knee will bend
For you are Lord of Lords and God of all men
Faithful and true you guard my heart,
protect my mind and lead my life,
therefore, I will fear no evil with you by my side.
You deliver me from every evil work, all the time
So, I give you honor and praise all the days of my life.
Lord, you know my future and past history
Because you write my story
and you deserve all the glory!
You always save me from those who persecute me
Making a safe path to escape my enemies.
My life is in your hands,
I believe only you are good and I trust in your plans.
My sweet, Jesus I’m your biggest fan!

Rosalinda Loy


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