

MY DIVINE FATHER My God of god’s, King of kings You are the Creator of all things You are always present everywhere, all powerful, all knowing Only you are Holy, gracious and understanding Immutable for you are never changing,  Infinite, self existing You have no needs for you are self sufficient My Father God Almighty creator of all that is seen and unseen Only you see all things. Giver of life, maker of the Heavens and earth No one can try to measure your worth. You are Love, Light, one of a kind You open the eyes of the blind. You hold the universe in your hands No human being can comprehend or try to understand You are unlike anything or anyone we could ever know or imagine You are Eternal, powerful, Just and forgiving  You are true Perfection. Limitless you are, unique and wise This is how I see you through my eyes. My True Living God Forgiving and abounding in Love Father, you are Awesome. I know this much! You are slow to anger, merciful  compassionate and faithful Father God, t


PIECES OF ME Pieces of me once broken apart You came along and mended my heart When I was Crushed and depressed  You stood beside me and never left Pieces of me shattered by lies You held me together when you heard my cries A past filled with pain and grief Jesus you were my only relief  Manipulated, jaded and depressed with no words You gave me the strength to move forward Pieces of me broken many times But it’s you my Jesus every time who lifts my life Pieces of me now polished, cleaned and sustained by your love No one can break me to pieces If it’s you that’s my strength,  you’re more than enough. Rosalinda Loy July 8, 2022


ON MY KNEES I start my day with my early morning routine I go down on my knees Praying to Father God Almighty. I ask to be forgiven of my sins All the terrible thoughts I’ve had,  all the bad things I said or done in the past.  I ask to be cleansed and purified Washed clean with the blood of Christ I pray a hedge of protection around me And for my Father God to have mercy. I Thank my Father most of all for Jesus his Holy son The one who gave his life because he loved. I pray over all my children and their families  I pray over each of them One by one, individually  I especially pray for my husband and my marriage  Because it's’ a vow I will always cherish And I declare my family will know and serve  The only God of this universe. At his feet, On my Knees I pour out my heart to my Father who truly knows me I leave my burdens at his throne  And he gives me his peace to follow me wherever I roam How Great and Awesome a God we serve To not punish us with what we deserve. I raise up my
RIP Luis Ramirez Into the arms of Jesus our Savior Resting in his grace forever Father God called you home So you would not be suffering in this world. Your words were comforting and wise You counseled people of all types Bro, you always had great advice.   You lived your life preaching what you loved NA was always your #1. Traveling all over the states Speaking to many people about NA Sharing your life and giving your testimony You were well known and loved by so many. You had such a great sense of humor And your laugh was contagious Watching you play tricks on people was funny and outrageous. You had such a heart to help others You always reached out to all your NA sisters and brothers You would tell me “we gotta look out for each other” Oh, How I’ll miss talking with you bro But I know you're at peace and finally home. Your sis  Rosalinda Loy 02-22-22


  My heart broke when we lost you In the hospital room Jesus was holding your hand Angel’s surrounded you at God’s command Doctors and nurses doing what they can To try to save you, I understand. Prayers were heard, petitions were made But God had other plans for you instead At your side we were not allowed From the hospital we were ordered out  This battle you’d lose we already knew Death was at your door Because Father God was calling you home You fought long and hard for many years All your pains and struggles Was more than you could handle. Jesus was with you from the very start Jesus was with you till the very end Jesus is with you even now And I know you’re now at rest in his arms Still my heart aches because we lost you. I carry our memories and reminisce  About the good old days Things we did, things we said Laughing and telling jokes Telling stories about our folks Eating out or cooking together is something I’ll treasure, Shopping with you as I walked beside your scooter Your

My time with you

  My time with you In the stillness of a moment, in the moment I’m still My time with you I cherish and treasure forever I will, I close my eyes and praise you as I patiently wait When I hear a still small voice saying  “I’m with you my child, I’m never late” Breathing in your peace takes away all my burdens and grief. Your love sustains me when the world gets me depressed and weak Direct me in the path you’ve chosen for me, for it is my desire. To live for you, and my love for you burning like a  fire. No other will ever love me more than Jesus, my Holy Spirit and Father. There is no one above you, My heart is yours and there’s no other. I look forward to my mornings with you, I speak frequently to you during my day, when evening comes around I will always give you my worship and praise. My time with you is my fuel for the day and my day has time just for today So I will walk in your path just as you say. Rosalinda Loy

I Surrender

  Dear Lord, I submit myself to you, My will I surrender too. No longer will I fight you So transform me into something new. Redeemed and made clean All because of Jesus my King. I’m now a child of the most High GOD Almighty Father,  God of Love. At your throne, I fall to my knees And I raise my arms with thanksgiving. Your presence pours out and wraps around me Like a sweet smelling breeze, full of peace. There is no other place I’d rather be But with you for all eternity. Thank you my King Jesus For your mercy and grace And for opening my eyes before it’s too late. Rosalinda Loy