My God of god’s, King of kings

You are the Creator of all things

You are always present everywhere, all powerful, all knowing

Only you are Holy, gracious and understanding

Immutable for you are never changing, 

Infinite, self existing

You have no needs for you are self sufficient

My Father God Almighty

creator of all that is seen and unseen

Only you see all things.

Giver of life, maker of the Heavens and earth

No one can try to measure your worth.

You are Love, Light, one of a kind

You open the eyes of the blind.

You hold the universe in your hands

No human being can comprehend or try to understand

You are unlike anything or anyone we could ever know or imagine

You are Eternal, powerful, Just and forgiving 

You are true Perfection.

Limitless you are, unique and wise

This is how I see you through my eyes.

My True Living God

Forgiving and abounding in Love

Father, you are Awesome. I know this much!

You are slow to anger, merciful 

compassionate and faithful

Father God, to you I’m so grateful.

Great you are and abundant in power

The judge of all and my own personal hightower

The Great I AM

ruler of my heart 

you are all things without a start.

Rosalinda Loy

July 12, 2022



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