Jesus, You are all I want


Jesus, You are all I want

My mind is jumbled, my body has stumbled, my heart is so troubled

that I can’t even pray, So, my spirit inside me prays what I can’t even say.

When I’m feeling this way, I know it’s an attack from the enemy,

Pressing forward, I lean in closer

Just to feel your presence gets me through the day.

Jesus you are all I want You are all I need every day,

when attacks come my way On my knees I will stay

Till your presence fills me once again.

Without you I’d be lost, into deep waves I’d be tossed

Drowning in a sea of despair

But because of your grace and mercy My life has been redeemed and made clean

In your name the enemy now has to leave.

 Your words of truth I’m taught, Jesus, you hold my heart.

Confident and ready for battle

my spiritual armor is on, spiritual warfare it’s on

My eyes are on you and my thoughts, are too

as you send me on my way to face another day 

Child of God I’m called Forever grateful for your endless love

Sweet Jesus, you are all I want.

Rosalinda Loy


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