You’re Okay!

You're Okay

Aching in my soul
When things are out of control
Anger takes over
Sadness waits to step in
But I run to you
Before the enemy can win.
I hear you whisper
“You’re Okay”
You heal my broken heart
And bind up my wounds
You give me wisdom when I’m confused
When the day is too hard to face
Fearing of losing this race
I become anxious and afraid
You whisper “You’re Okay”
I cast all my anxieties and fears on you, 
and you provide shelter when I need you
Because you care and love me so much.
My King Jesus, I’m so easily stirred up
I watch things unfold
evil and gross
Some people act insane
and say your name in vain
I want to fight for your honor
But it’s not what you’d have me to do
So, I run to you
My shield and strength.
You are my rock
You lift me up when I can’t get up.
In your presence,
I feel your peace and I don’t want to leave
Under your wings where I know I’m Okay.
I believe that you began a good work in me,
And you will carry it on to completion
until the day you come.
You get me through each day
And I’m thankful
When I hear you whisper “you’re Okay”.

Rosalinda Loy


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