
Showing posts from October, 2019

When I was lost

When I was Lost Grace found me when I was lost and couldn’t find myself, I thought I knew the way out, But I got lost and went further into the deep, no doubt. I struggled with myself, battling with my mind But in my strength, I lost every time. My flesh was too strong, my soul wanted control, But my spirit would not give up   Leading me to the cross. Mercy flowed through me, Whispered he has redeemed me So, I surrendered my will to God Giving him all I had, good and bad. His holy spirit took hold of me Setting me free from this misery Changing my thoughts and heart So, I can continue doing my part. I’ll sing songs of praises, Worship his beautiful name Thanking king Jesus for helping me see And for the peace and hope he’s puts in me. Rosalinda Loy

Baby Boy Loy

Baby Boy Loy Your face I have not seen, The little person I do not know, still I love you so. You were created by Almighty God, Molded and formed with his love, Placed in your mother’s womb To grow, blossom and bloom. We can’t wait to meet you little one, You are a blessing from Almighty God. No need to fear my little love,   You are covered with the blood of Jesus a hedge of protection will surround you always God’s Angels follow where you go and protect you as you follow God’s road, Jesus will lead you and the holy spirit will teach you things you need to know, You are a blessing little one Never forget how much you’re loved. Love Grandma Loy For: Draven James Loy Rosalinda Loy