Into your arms, where my child belongs

In the hospital room we made our stay
Despising walking again into this place
Yet we counted our blessings
Because we trust your ways
Still we question why Oh why?
Did this happen to our child at a young age?
Was our faith not enough to heal our precious child?
Oh, how she would melt hearts with her smile.
As the days dragged on
And the nights seemed so long
Nothing changed and this illness stayed the same
When will things change?
Was the question in my mind day after day.
We know you perform miracles
And we believe in your healing power
Can you, will you change things today?
My child was so sick
Beautiful and weak
And now she’s gone
Into your arms where your child belongs
You called her home today
Difficult as it may be
Into your arms I give you my baby.
We know she’ll be with you till the day we meet again
But in the meantime, I imagine her
Playing in the beautiful fields
Singing with the majestic choirs
Dancing in the heavens
And praising your name forever.
Lord I hold true to your promises
And I believe your words are true
Wrap your comforting arms around us
Give us peace from above
strengthen us with your peace and love
help us to focus on our treasures in heaven above
where our baby is waiting for us
with you our sweet Jesus.

For: Arnulfo and Marissa Sanchez 

Rosalinda Loy


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