
Showing posts from February, 2021


My True Living GOD Father God, above all other gods,  You are my true living God My creator, there is no one more greater.   The God of gods and King of kings,  You created all things, No one can know the mighty power you hold within. My God of Light, God of Peace,  You know all things and see everything. Knees will bend, hands raised high      Praises are sung at your Throne day and night.     You are my True Living God,  My God of Love and righteous Judge. My almighty Father you will always be,  If you are for me, who dare be against me. No one can comprehend or imagine  how great and awesome you truly are. We learn about you through your word we groan for your love and our spirits are stirred. You are Holy, Holy, Holy,  Powerful, majestic and mighty The Alpha and Omega, the burning flame inside me. How great your love is for us,   Sovereign Ruler of the whole universe   You broke us free from this awful curse, by sending your holy son to die on the