
Showing posts from December, 2017


Spirits Leave, In the name of Jesus The spirit of fear comes against us, While the spirit of confusion begins to fuss Leave and get out of our lives This family belongs to our Savior Jesus Christ We will serve no other Lord! Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world Sadness tries to take the lead And depression wants to see us bleed But in Christ we are strong not weak And in Jesus’ name, these spirits have to leave Here comes anger once again, Bringing his many evil friends But once again Jesus comes to our defense. In our lives, evil spirits will come and go And at times they will even try to take control Keeping our eyes on Jesus Is the only way these spirits will leave us alone. Rosalinda Loy


Uniquely Made I'm running everywhere I go, wish my life would be like some Christian's I know, at ease and with such peace. So I asked God why can't I be like so and so and he said I didn't make you like them you know. Everyone is uniquely made, some have patience, some have faith. Others are prayer warriors and some are dream interpreters, some the future they predict, then there are those that can heal the sick and some are great at comforting the weak, some in tongues they speak and there are those who are destined to teach, some can discern spirits and cast out evil in minutes, some are given words of wisdom others perform miracles in this earthly kingdom all have a purpose with a gift, Souls of the lost they will lift, all are special in God's eyes a unique blend with different lives. All made to point people to Jesus Christ. Rosalinda Loy