
Showing posts from June, 2017

Be Transformed

Be Transformed Be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and not conformed to this world and it's lies, seek wisdom and all things good in God's eyes, avoid disagreements, arguments and fights. Instead be Christ like showing joy, kindness, and love for some peaceful nights. No one is perfect, so just do your best, God will make our mess into a life that's truly blessed. Rosalinda Loy 

My Jesus

My Jesus Fix your eyes on the Lord,  the one who never changes, the warrior with a mighty sword. Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith he endured the cross in our place and gave us his mercy and grace. How awesome is our Father,  he sent his son to take our place. Rosalinda Loy 


Chosen I'll seek the Lord God with all my heart soul and mind, I'll praise his name because he will take away my pain and shame. I'll listen as he speaks to my broken heart because he's mending all the shattered parts and tearing down walls I built to keep people out. Gossip, fights, words so cold, My poor damaged soul. Scars too deep, all I could do was weep, wishing I could just go to sleep. Such a lonely place, still I'd hide there most days. But now there's light inside of me and darkness has no business with me. Chosen! It's no mystery! No mistake in my identity, This child belongs to the one and only true King, The God of everything. Rosalinda Loy   

The battle is the Lords

The Battle is the Lords My soul waits in silence for God, for he holds the staff & rod, don't look back, forget the past, focus on what is good and true  because all you need is within you, Pray without ceasing! God sees all your pain & misery  and only he can give you victory. let go of all your hurts & disappointments. The battle is the lords! and he fights with his mighty sword, so pray without ceasing and continue reading his word. Rosalinda Loy   


Obey Do not murmur, grumble or complain, it will not bring comfort to your pain, just do what the lord asks of you, then you'll find peace in whatever you do  and you'll see a change in your life too. no longer lifeless or feeling blue, but a burning desire for Jesus  that will grow & grow inside of you. Rosalinda Loy   

Where I wanna be

Where I wanna be In your presence is where I wanna be, because it empowers me to face anything, problems that come my way, issues that just wanna stay, road blocks that block my day, or shackles around my legs will not drag me down to the ground because there's peace in knowing who wears the true & mighty crown. Rosalinda Loy   

Our Rock of Salvation

Our Rock of Salvation For those who seek your name, we will not be put to shame, For those who rejoice and sing to you, we will never feel sad or blue,  Our Rock of salvation, you give us direction Leading our lives out of destruction  In your presence we have your protection In your hands we give you our affection on our knees you give us your attention. Rosalinda Loy 

Your light shining in me

Your light shining in me I will pause before responding to people or situations, I shall first listen and give them my attention, so that your spirit can work through me, and your light shining in me they will see, I give you my praise Jesus, today and always, you have new mercy for me every single day. Oh Lord, I'm so grateful that you always make a way. My faith is in you and I believe in what your word has to say, so teach me your ways and teach me to pray. Rosalinda Loy 

Jesus calling me back

Jesus calling me back Jesus calling me back,  every time I chose the wrong path, waiting for me with open arms,  telling me not to fear the storms. with every wave coming my way,  I begin to feel afraid, but then Jesus reminds me that I'm OK because with him I'm always safe. Rosalinda Loy   

Take up your cross

Take up your cross The sun rises each morning to visit us, yet we sit in darkness, then complain and fuse. Stand up! take up your cross,  stay away from sinful and evil stuff, walk in righteousness and love. our God, the creator from above  breathed life into each & every one of us. so praise him for all he does Rosalinda Loy 

Jesus, Help me

Jesus, Help me Help me with this battle in my mind,  a challenge that I face all the time, my weakness is my constant struggle  and at times leads me into trouble, guide me away from temptation,  turn my sight in your direction, you are my Rock and salvation,  so mold me with a strong foundation, teach me your ways,  that I may always fear your name and I will honor you all my days  come what may. Rosalinda Loy 

Keeping my eyes on you

Keeping my eyes on you Waiting patiently, keeping my eyes on you, demonstrating a cheerful heart, even though my life is sometimes blue your strength and courage get me though difficult days. So I'm keeping my eyes on you as you give me direction  while leading me to your truth. you are my refuge, you are my rock, you protect me. Thank you JESUS! Son of GOD. Rosalinda Loy 


Waiting You are my strength and song, I will wait for you to come, in the clouds with your army so strong. but until that day, I will honor you and give you my praise. In your presence I feel so safe, I can't wait to enter into heaven's gates. Until then I'll do my best in these last days and trust in you always. Rosalinda Loy 

My only treasure

My only Treasure You are the same  yesterday, today and forever you're with me at all times  making my life better, Jesus, I trust you  knowing you'll put me back  together every time  my world falls apart. you renew my mind and mend my heart Healing me from all scars Your Holy Spirit follows me anywhere and where ever,  I shall not fear evil  because you are my King & Savior and on this earth,  you are my only treasure. Rosalinda Loy

You bless my life

You Bless my life How great is your loving kindness my sweet Jesus! I cling to you because my life had no meaning or reason. You've supplied all my needs  and you blessed my life continually. I am yours and you are mine,  I will not feel ashamed or try to hide. surrendering all that I am, you take my hand  and give me strength to do what only you can.  Someday I hope to soar on your wings, while you show me breathtaking and amazing things. Everyday I'll praise your holy name maybe even dance and sing. I'm grateful for your mercy, grace and everything. Thank you, Jesus! for washing me clean of all my sins. Rosalinda Loy 


Seasons There is a season for everything under the sun and many reason's to do things that are fun or a task you know has to get done. there's a time to rest, especially when you know you've done your best, a time to plant and harvest and a time to feast from your crops at last, A time to be silly and play, especially after a long hard day,  a time to be still and pray, thanking almighty God for everything that day, everything comes and goes, nothing stays the same and all things will come to an end. the only thing that never changes is our perfect God who was and is and always will be the same. With our God there's no beginning or end. Morning has come, now it's time to start all over again, Doing everything to please him because he will always reign. Rosalinda Loy 

My Light

My Light You're the light that shines deep in my soul, You give me strength so I won't let go, You fill me with your Love, Peace and Joy. This I know because my spirit tell me so. I crave your love more and more and you lead the way to safe open doors I trust your plans for me today, I will trust your plans for me always. Rosalinda Loy 

Hold me, Lead me, Carry me

Hold me, Lead me, Carry me Hold me! When I'm having a bad day, search my heart, when I don't know what to pray. life gets so hard and at times I can't think of what I want to say, guide me when I'm going the wrong way, remind me that I'll be OK, teach me all I need to learn today, Lead me so I don't go astray, follow me when I wanna go play, stand beside me every single day, and Carry me when I'm consumed with my own pain. You're my lifeline and you'll get me through all my good & bad days. Rosalinda Loy


Faith Stepping out in faith,  even though I was afraid. you spoke some words  and I understood what I heard. trusting you,  even though  I was timid to do  what you were asking me to do, praying out loud  for people  was not what I was used to, but because  I know my path is in your grasp, I can walk through the unknown at last. Rosalinda Loy 06-14-2017

Your Ways

Your Ways Your ways are perfect awesome and great! I'm trusting in your plans because you make no mistakes my steps are guided by your majestic hands and my life is protected by the blood of a lamb. Rosalinda Loy 06-14-2017