
Showing posts from November, 2017


Things hidden come to light Lies will get exposed, schemes will be disclosed Secrets no longer behind doors closed things hidden come to light All our wrongs can turn to right Leave the past behind Only Jesus can open the eyes of the blind Anger destroys the hearts of many Rage takes root tearing up families Give it to God! Only he can change our hearts Truth hurts, it cuts to the core Things we don't want to hear anymore. We must be still and listen to Jesus, who died for our sins, from the grave he has risen. And in you, he can now come live within. We're destined to become Christians No longer chained and in prison chosen by almighty God for a reason. Open your heart to Jesus He's waiting at your door Waiting to cleanse you from this world Rosalinda Loy


Teach me your ways Lead me in your truth and teach me your ways Tell me where to go and what to say Give me strength for today Mend these wounds I pray And protect me from my enemies everyday. Write your words in my heart For I know in me, you will finish what you've started Cutting down limbs that need to be discarded. Melting in me what is Cold-hearted. Mold me in your likeness Renew me, with your kindness. My king and savior You show me great favor In your presence, my entire being will savor Your ultimate love forever and ever. Rosalinda Loy


Teach us right from wrong We all stumble in many ways, Please Jesus, run your holy blood through our veins so that we can be perfected day to day tame our poisonous tongue and teach us right from wrong fill our hearts with your desires, set our hearts for you, on fire your name to be lifted higher, under our feet the enemy is a liar. give us eyes to see our God given destiny and ears to hear what the holy spirit whispers Don't let our time on earth be a waste, Help us dear Lord before it's too late. Rosalinda Loy